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How to Address an Envelope in the UK

In order to get your letters and mail delivered to the correct address as quickly as possible, you need to ensure you address your envelope in the right format.

Addressing your envelope

  • Left align the name and address of the recipient.
  • Use neat handwriting that is easily readable or if printing the address, use a clear easy to read font (Avoid fancy fonts)
  • Make sure the colour of the address you use is clear. E.g black text on a white envelope, white text on a dark coloured envelope.
  • Leave enough space in between lines
  • Place the correct postage stamp or PPI (Printed Postage Impressions) in the top right-hand corner

Please see below an example of a correctly addressed envelope

How to address an envelope

Return address

Although not a requirement, it is good practice to add a return address to your mail in the event that it doesn't get delivered to the intended address. You can place the return address anywhere on the envelope but it is recommended to place this on the back of the envelope to avoid confusion with the delivery address.

Envelope return address